Celebrating Past Masters Banquet and Widows Night 2017!
"When laying your cornerstone anew seek first a base that's firm and true;
then build with level, plumb, and square;
trowel with love and tender care."
-Allen F. Williams, Eveleth Past master 1960
The Eveleth Masons celebrated with family and friends on May 3, 2017, to recognize fellow Lodge members for their years of service, to honor the widows of the Lodge, and to award scholarships to deserving students.
Worshipful Master Adam Roen kicked off the evening with a warm welcome followed by a recognition of the Lodge Officers. Chaplain Dwight Day gave the invocation before the meal. Secretary Kerry Roen, assisted by Marshall Steve Turner and Junior Deacon Nick Floistad, reminisced on the lives of the 6 members who entered into the Celestial Lodge this past year and recognized the attending widows with flowers. Kerry Roen then performed the roll call of the Past Masters, and Senior Warden Kevin Peterson made the toast. Dwight Day presented the Masonic Awards, and Adam Roen presented the scholarships to the students before stepping up to give his speech as the guest speaker for the evening. Dwight Day closed with the benediction, and the attendees had a chance to visit with one another afterward.
The scholarships were award to the following students: Jonathan Day, Madison Waldron, Monique Arcella (not pictured), Sara Coldagelli, McKenzie Perushek, and Kody Lindgren. Congratulations to all and best of luck in your future endeavors!