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Our First Master Mason Degree

This is a recap of the first Master Mason Degree done by Eveleth Lodge in decades. All the costumes are new and were purchased just weeks earlier.

Master Tilton declared the Lodge at labor for the second section where he portrayed our Most Excellent King Solomon, Steve Turner as Hiram, King of Tyre, and Kerry Roen as Grand Secretary. The Fellowcrafts were portrayed by Dwight Day, Nick Floistad, and Daryl Lawrence. The first, second and third ruffians were portrayed by Floyd Nelson, Rick Newton, and Jon McDougall respectively.

The five raisings were done by the following:

Jeremy Lokken was raised by Floyd Nelson,

Charles Niemi was raised by his father Tim Niemi, Thad Sweeny was raised by his brother Jerry Sweeny, Keith Harvey was raised by Dwight Day, and Joey Fredrickson was raised by Terry Tilton.

Pictured L to R - are front row: John Sweeny and the 5 candidates Thad Sweeny, Joey Fredrickson, Keith Harvey, Charles Niemi and Jeremy Lokken.

Row two are Terry Sweeny, Dwight Day, Floyd Nelson, Rick Newton, Rolf Widstrand, Jon McDougall, and Ed Vest

Row three is Nick Floistad, Daryl Lawrence, Steve Turner Terry Tilton, Kerry Roen, and Adam Roen

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